Academic Competitiveness: The Future of European Higher Education, Research, and Development - an conference organised by our research institute

Academic Competitiveness: The Future of European Higher Education, Research, and Development. Career Prospects for Young Researchers. Conference.

Academic Competitiveness: The Future of European Higher Education, Research, and Development. Career Prospects for Young Researchers – this was the title of the international conference organised by the Europe Strategy Research Institute, Eötvös József Research Centre at the Ludovika University of Public Service (LUPS), the 30-year-old Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Candidates (DOSZ), and Edutus University organized an international conference titled Academic Competitiveness with more than 100 participant under the auspice of the EU Presidency Strategy of the University and in the frame of the Hungarian Science Festival.

A summary of the event is available on the central website of the Ludovika University of Public Service: