Dr. Csilla Varga PhD


Csilla Varga graduated in International Relations (BA and MA) at Corvinus University of Budapest. From 2015, she was a doctoral student, and currently is the doctoral candidate of the International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School of the Corvinus University of Budapest. She is expected to defend her thesis – dealing with the political participation and representation of national minorities – in the first semester of 2021. From 2017, Csilla also works at the Cabinet of Ministerial Commissioner responsible for Developing Neighborhood Policy of Hungary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. During her university studies, she gained professional experience at the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, and at the Prime Minister’s Office, as well as abroad at the European Parliament, Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, and at the Social-Cultural Organization in Berlin.

From 2020, she also works as a researcher of the József Eötvös Research Center- European Strategy Research Institute (EUSTRAT) at the University of Public Service.



EUSTRAT publications: 

UN Forum on Minority Issues – focusing on hate speech against minorities


Varga Csilla: European Union and the Conflicts of the International System: European Diplomacy in a Globalized World.The IUP Journal of International Relations,Vol. X, No. 1, 2016, 7-16.  

Varga Csilla: EU Minority Protection Policy: Talks about Nothing or Positive Development Trends?Iustum Aequum Salutare, 2018/3, pp. 267–286. 

Varga Csilla:EU Minority Protection Policy: Cultural Rights of Traditional Minorities. Acta Humana – Emberi Jogi Közlemények, 4. évf. (2016), 6. szám, 79-94. 

Varga Csilla: Book review of Balázs Vizi – Norbert Tóth – Edgár Dobos (eds.): Beyond International Conditionality. Local Variations of Minority Representation in Central and South-Eastern Europe. Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2017, 272. p. Acta Humana,2017/Special edition, pp. 107-116. 

Varga Csilla: Past and Present Developments of the Hungarian-Slovakian Minority Joint Committee.KKI Studies, T-2019/01, Series of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Varga Csilla: International Developments 2018: Cultural Activities and Facilities, Education and the Media in the Context of European Minorities and from the Perspective of International Law.European Yearbook of Minority Issues,Volume 17 Issue 1, February 2020, pp. 130-168. 

Varga Csilla: International Developments 2017: Economic, Social, and Cultural Life, Including Education and the Media in the Context of European Minorities and from the Perspective of International Law.Acta Humana, 2018/Special edition, pp. 59-91. 

Csilla Varga: The political participation and representation of national minorities in Central Europe: the model of intergovernmental joint committees between Hungary and its neighbors. Hungarian Journal of Minority Studies, 2021, in print.