Viktória Lilla Pató
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Viktória Lilla Pató graduated in public administration studies (BA) and international public service relations (MA) from the University of Public Service, while in 2015 she also studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Milan. Since 2017 she is doing research in EU policy at the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences. During her university studies, she gained several international -by participating on Erasmus student mobility and training courses- and professional experience at the Constitutional Court of Hungary, at the National Assembly and at the Embassy of Hungary in Rome. She also served as President of the Doctorates’ Council at the University of Public Service and as Vice-President for Foreign Affairs at the Association of Hungarian Ph.D. and DLA Candidates. Additionally, she contributed as an international expert on artificial intelligence at the Digital Success Programme and the Neumann Technology Platform. Her advisory roles included serving the Minister for Regional Development and EU Funds and the Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration and International Studies at the University of Public Service. Since 2020, Viktória is working as an associate researcher specializing in European digitalization and science development at the József Eötvös Research Center’s European Strategy Research Institute (EUSTRAT) at the University of Public Service. She currently holds the position of Head of the Department for Development at the Hungarian Development Promotion Office. |
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